About us

Sörensen Hydraulik GmbH
Tail lift specialist for over 50 years

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We – Sörensen

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This is Sörensen

The company Sörensen Hydraulik GmbH is one of the leading tail lift manufacturers in Europe. In particular, the Sörensen brand stands for innovation, performance and payload optimization.

Sörensen in numbers

2000 +


35 +

Distribution countries



60 +

Patents applied for since the company was founded

Contact us

We will be happy to advise you on the selection of our tail lifts by phone.

Apply now

Would you like to become part of our team? Then take a look at our open positions.


Sörensen Hydraulik GmbH
Osterrade 3D
21031 Hamburg

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This is what Sörensen stands for

Our claim: customer satisfaction

The company Sörensen Hydraulik GmbH is one of the leading tail lift manufacturers in Europe. Together as a team, we are always looking to improve our products and provide the best possible customer service.

Tail lifts from Sörensen

Our innovative technologies

Our innovative X1 and X4 technologies stand for intelligent technology, particularly low dead weight and high-quality components. Due to the maintenance-free bearings and the high-quality components, the life-cycle costs are reduced enormously. The low dead weight ensures optimum payload advantages.

subtitle-Shape Our team

Get to know the people behind Sörensen. We are looking forward to your contact.


Karina Sörensen

Managing Director

Ingo Meyer

Managing Director

Contact persons

Lutz Arens

Team Leader Sales DACH+

Tobias Becker

Team Leader Warehouse / Logistics

Alex Hess

Head of Procurement

Jürgen Jakobi

Head of Production

Tanja Klein

Commercial Director

Our technologies

Our innovation for your performance. Intelligent technologies for every load capacity range.

Contact & Service

We will find the perfect solution for your transportation needs.